Friday, September 30, 2011

Been a While

So it's been a really long time since I posted anything on this blog. I'm sorry that none of you have been kept in the loop. Well that should be over soon-ish. I'm now a senior, I have a job, and I have my permit. All new things that I will try to explain and elaborate in this post. Let's start with the fact that I'm now a senior. Woohoo, I made it to my senior year. So I started the year in regular classes instead of that ISP thing that I was in last year. I am having such an easier time with this than I was last year. I don't have to remember what days I have a certain class anymore or anything. It's all just normal schedule now.

Along with making it to my senior year I also got a job. I am employed at Six Flags Great Adventure. I am one of their zombies that come out every year for Fright Fest. I am making some awesome friends up there along with getting paid to scare the living crap out of people. My first official day to scare people is October 1st but we had a run through thing last night where we walked through our trails. My group walked through our entire trail and had a lot of fun doing so. Then we headed over through Main Gate and the Circus to take a walkthrough of the Manor, a new terror trail. After that we went through the Graveyard and headed over to the Asylum. When we got there they told us to wait outside while everybody got ready because they were going to put on an entire show for us. It was amazing. We were going to go over to my trail, The Demented Forest, to do a scare through but instead we went and got fed pizza. I'm going there tonigh,t even though I don't have work, because my friends work there also and since I work there my work ID counts as a season pass and tonight is season pass holder night.

Since I got a job my mom let me go get my permit. It is an amazing feeling to be going 75-80 mph down the highway. It can also be very scary when you do something that is wrong because you feel like you just almost got into an accident. Either way I really enjoy driving around. Sometimes my mom doesn't like it because that usually means that she isn't go to be driving for a while because I drive and then once we get to our destination my twin usually starts to drive and we just continuously switch off who's driving where.

Whelp the period is just about up and I have lunch next period. I really don't want to be that late for that so I'm gonna sign out of my computer after I give this little post to all you readers. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Senior Year

So I am no longer in ISP. Im back to walking around the school to get to my different classes. My English 4 class is very technology friendly. It's a lot like last year but with different people. My teacher wants us to use Gmail and Google Docs. So that is very much like last year. However, this year is mainly focusing on writing which I am not very happy about, in fact I'm hating that fact because I don't really like to write a lot. Hence the reason most of my posts are quite short. Well I got to go now. Bye.